Posts by: Maaike Voeten

Outsourced sales team for startups: strive for international growth

Entering new international markets means numerous challenges for startups, from cultural barriers to regulatory complexities. An outsourced sales team for startups emerges as a strategic solution, offering expertise and local insights that are crucial for global expansion. We explore how leveraging an outsourced sales team can give a boost to [...]

Five trends in the American telecommunication sector in 2020

Aexus helps innovative tech companies become successful. Aexus acts as the local sales partner for companies that want to penetrate Europe and the US. The telecommunication sector has always been one of our key segments. Despite the fact that the implications of the Corona crisis are yet to be fully understood, they [...]

7 Reasons why Aexus offers Sales as a Service

Sales as a service for innovative businesses: scale into local markets There are many reasons why the ‘as a service’ model has become so popular. When a company partners with an Infrastructure as a Service provider, experts handle hardware maintenance, software updates, and scaling up or down as needed. It [...]

6 steps from initial selection to actual sales activities

We are often asked which steps we are taking when engaging with a new partner. How do we verify if a specific solution or technology is a good fit for the markets where we are active? How can we optimize the sales activities with and for our partner?

How to identify the decision maker in the sales process

When it comes to closing deals, it’s important to know if you are talking to a decision maker or not. Identifying who’s the person in charge can be a bit of a challenge. So how do you identify the ultimate decision maker for your product or service?

Video: expanding your international business

You want to grow your company’s business and accelerate sales. Not just in your home market, but internationally. Where you and your executives don’t know the culture or language. And where you don’t have existing customers or even contacts yet. 

Proven results

Our executives are highly experienced sales professionals, with a proven track record in the European, American and Asian telecom, IT, internet and cloud markets. We helped hundreds of tech companies, service providers and software vendors to expand their sales on the European, American and Asian markets. Explore our sales outsourcing case studies to learn how we assisted these partners in achieving their goals!