Outsourced sales team for startups: strive for international growth

Entering new international markets means numerous challenges for startups, from cultural barriers to regulatory complexities. An outsourced sales team for startups emerges as a strategic solution, offering expertise and local insights that are crucial for global expansion. We explore how leveraging an outsourced sales team can give a boost to your startup’s growth internationally.

  •  Scale quickly in new territories
  •  Growth Experts
  •  Cost-efficient & low risk

How does an outsourced sales team work for startups?

The global market offers vast opportunities for growth and innovation. Statistics show that startups that expand internationally can accelerate their growth and diversify their market presence. 

5 challenges startups face when expanding and growing their business

Expanding and growing a startup is an exciting yet challenging journey. As startups look to scale their operations, especially into new markets, they encounter various hurdles. Understanding these challenges can help founders and business leaders prepare and strategize effectively.

  1. Market entry barriers: Entering a new market involves understanding local regulations, cultural nuances, and market dynamics. This process can be time-consuming and requires thorough research. Missteps in this phase can lead to costly delays or even failure. Each region has its own set of rules and practices that need to be navigated carefully.
  2. Resource constraints: Startups often operate with limited resources, both in terms of finances and manpower. Scaling operations requires significant investment in infrastructure, marketing, and sales. Allocating resources effectively while maintaining daily operations can strain a startup’s capabilities.
  3. Building local networks: Having a strong network is crucial for market penetration. Establishing relationships with local partners, customers, and influencers can take time. Without these connections, gaining traction and trust in a new market becomes much more difficult.
  4. Sales and marketing challenges: Effectively marketing and selling products in a new market can be daunting. Startups need to adapt their messaging to resonate with the local audience, which may differ significantly from their home market. Additionally, setting up a local sales team or outsourcing sales functions can be a strategic decision, but finding the right partners or talent is a challenge.
  5. Cultural differences: Cultural differences can impact everything from marketing campaigns to customer interactions. Understanding and respecting these differences is essential for building a positive brand image and customer relationships in the new market.

The role of an outsourced sales team in internationalization

Outsourced sales teams specialize in understanding local markets, which is invaluable for startups looking to expand globally. This section discusses the benefits of outsourcing sales, such as cost efficiency, scalability, and rapid market entry, and how these factors contribute to successful internationalization. Choosing an outsourced sales team that aligns with a startup’s needs is critical. 

Case studies

“A leading European FinTech company, partnered with Aexus to expand its market presence. Initially focused on the Dutch agri-food segment, UnifiedPost needed a strategic rebranding to enter new sectors. Aexus played a pivotal role in repositioning the company (rebranded as ZET Solutions) and implementing a successful go-to-market strategy targeting the construction industry.”

KPI’s for startups with outsourced sales teams

Aexus tailors its sales outsourcing approach to fit each company’s unique needs, ensuring an effective entry into international markets. Here are the steps we take:

  1. Determine the approach for each prospect: we develop a customized plan based on our deep industry knowledge and the specific challenges faced by the prospect.
  2. Shortlist target companies: we identify and prioritize companies that match our typical customer profile, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. Initiate sales cycles with shortlisted prospects: this involves presentations and discussions to assess technical and commercial feasibility.
  4. Create and agree upon a mutual work document: Such as a Letter of Intent (LOI) or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which may include a trial or Proof of Concept (PoC).
  5. Start trials and deliver final proposals: we conduct small-scale projects to demonstrate the capabilities of the vendor’s solutions.
  6. Sign the framework agreement and build a long-term relationship: our goal is to maintain and expand strategic relationships, leveraging our familiarity with internal customer procedures.

Together with our partners, we define specific KPIs based on the vendor’s needs, the market’s maturity, and other factors. These KPIs help us monitor and measure our success effectively. While initial deals may close within the first few months, it typically takes 6-8 months to build a steady revenue stream through our collaborative efforts.

“Aexus’ local presence, understanding of the market and strong and experienced local team helped us to extend our business here much more rapidly than we would have been able to manage on our own.”

Communication is key while having an outsourced sales team

Effective communication and collaboration are key to integrating outsourced teams. We recommend:

  • Weekly online meetings: preferably on Mondays or Fridays to discuss ongoing activities and strategies.
  • Daily communication: through a private Slack channel, ensuring continuous, seamless interactions.

Sales tooling for tech startups

Aexus uses various tools to optimize and monitor its activities, including Pipedrive for CRM, Reply.io and Salesloft for marketing automation, and LinkedIn Navigator among others for lead identification. We ensure these tools are integrated smoothly with our clients’ systems.

We aim for long-term partnerships but offer flexibility with a 30-day notice period for discontinuation, ensuring minimum risk for all parties involved. Insights into our sales pipeline and activities are provided through a real-time updated URL and bi-weekly reports, allowing for full transparency and alignment with our partners’ goals.

“We build business, accelerate sales and fearlessly guide them into new, uncharted territories. Driving innovation, expediting change.”


Chris Gerretsen, Aexus CEO

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