How to get to Number 1 on Google

Google is the number one search engine in the world and it can seriously drive traffic to your site if you rank highly enough on it. Not only will this improve your online visibility but your business will also get a credibility boost and don’t forget that more site visitors may potentially bring more sales. So, there are many reasons to be up there and while it’s very difficult to get the number one spot, the tactics below may at least help you to get higher up on the first page.

Keywords for Search Engine Optimisation 

The trick with keywords when you’re a smaller operator is to be very specific about what you do. The last thing you want to be doing is fighting it out with the big players on the tech scene for popular and more general keywords. You probably won’t win that battle but if you focus on your niche and be crystal clear about your product or service, that’s one way you can stand out and start ranking faster. While you’re niching down though remember that the object is to be found so avoid going down the trap of becoming so specific that you become invisible. Your keywords still need to be reasonable in terms of what somebody might actually be searching for. There are plenty of resources that will give relevant keyword with a respectable number of searches but little to no competition. If you’re just starting this process, this solution is deal for you. Once you’re more established, you can move onto more competitive keyword.

Optimise your content with your keywords

You can optimise every page and every part of your site with your keywords. While you don’t want to overuse them necessarily, you can use them strategically in a number ways that will help in the rankings. One of the more subtle ways is to use your keyword in your url so that that instead of having’ you would have On top of this, you can also add your keywords to the headline on the page as well as each subsequent heading. 

Content, content and more content

More and more B2B companies are now using content as part of their overall marketing strategy. The really good news about this is it is exactly what Google (and your prospects) wants you to do. But you’ll need to be adding new, high-quality content that genuinely helps your ideal customer on a regular basis. (Don’t ask for much Google, do they?) But this does help you in two ways. With more content, which can be anything from blog posts to newsletters and webinars to videos, you can put your keywords into that content and if the content is informative and entertaining enough, people will stay on your site for longer.

Link up to rank higher

Inbound links to your site are a great way of boosting your ranking. Some ways to do this include adding your site to business directories like Yelp and Google My Business. You could also try guest posting on a popular site and creating content that other blog posters will want to use – this can easily be done by writing ‘how to guides’ or ‘tutorials’. 

Ready to Go

At Aexus, we are ready to work with you to find the best keywords, write content and optimise your site. If you think this could give your ranking the kind of boost it needs, get in touch. We’re always happy to jump on a call.

Topics: Marketing