A strategic approach to SaaS sales outsourcing

SaaS companies are continuously searching for strategies to enhance their sales effectiveness and market reach. One effective strategy is SaaS sales outsourcing, an approach where businesses collaborate with third-party organizations to leverage their expertise in sales. This blog is about outsourcing sales helps SaaS companies.

How SaaS sales outsourcing could save you money over an in-house team

  • Cost efficiency: building and maintaining an in-house sales team involves significant expenses, including salaries, training, benefits, and infrastructure. Outsourcing eliminates many of these costs, offering a more cost-effective solution that allows companies to pay primarily for results.
  • Flexibility: outsourced sales teams can quickly adapt to changing business needs, scaling up or down as required. This flexibility is important for SaaS companies looking to expand into new markets.
  • Expertise: outsourcing firms provide access to sales professionals who are experts in specific markets and industries. Bringing knowledge and experience in multiple sectors and technologies is important for us.
  • Faster market entry: with networks and market insights, outsourced teams can accelerate time-to-market for SaaS products.
  • Focus on core business: outsourcing sales allows a SaaS company to focus on what they do best—developing and enhancing their software. By delegating sales responsibilities, companies can allocate more resources towards product development and customer service.

What does an outsourced sales team do for SaaS companies?

Outsourced sales teams undertake a range of activities tailored to the SaaS model. These include lead generation, prospecting and closing deals. They are adept at handling the full sales cycle or specific parts of it. These are some things to consider:

  • Understand the SaaS business model and its unique sales challenges, including subscription management, customer retention, and upselling.
  • Employ the latest tools and techniques, such as CRM systems and analytics, to optimize the sales process and improve conversions.
  • With global networks and local insights, we help SaaS companies penetrate new geographical markets more effectively than an in-house team.
  • Risk reduction: outsourcing sales reduces the risk associated with expanding sales operations.

For SaaS companies aiming to expand their reach while staying lean, sales outsourcing offers a compelling solution. It combines cost-efficiency with access to specialized expertise and quick market penetration. As the SaaS market becomes increasingly competitive, partnering with an experienced sales outsourcing agency can provide the edge needed to thrive in this dynamic industry.

This is what our customers say about sales outsourcing in the software as a service industry:

“Aexus was able to get us in contact with relevant prospects in a new market within a short period of time.”


The role of a SaaS sales agency

We work on partner projects and assignments as a team. Multiple people, with various backgrounds and different fields of relevant expertise, are made aware of the vendor’s solutions. Therefore, the success of the collaboration is not dependent on one person; it is a constant team effort.

When using sales as a service for your Saas company, this will be the team:

  • Business Development Manager: Manages and drives the sales processes, handles sales cycles, organizes meetings, answers questions, provides performance reports, and keeps you updated.
  • Support Role: Supports the key Business Development Manager and takes over as the primary contact when necessary.
  • Sales Director: Oversees the sales process, provides strategic advice, coordinates resources, verifies reporting formats, and assists with larger deals. The Sales Director ensures that the entire Aexus team’s contacts and relationships are leveraged effectively.
  • Research and Intelligence: Obtains background information on leads, provides necessary input before meetings, and gathers business intelligence, including market developments and organizational structures.

In this sales approach, we will take the following steps:

  1. Determine prospect approach: This crucial phase involves extensive preparation and attention, determining a specific approach for each company based on industry knowledge and insights into personal challenges within the organization.
  2. Shortlist companies: Identifying companies that match the typical customer profile, verifying ongoing tenders or RFP processes, and initiating the sales process to align with company technology roadmaps.
  3. Initiate sales cycles: Conduct presentations and discussions about technical and commercial feasibility with relevant departments.
  4. Create mutual work document: If an agreement is reached, a document outlining the project scope is signed, which may include a trial or Proof of Concept.
  5. Start trials and proposals: Begin small-scale projects to test vendor capabilities, leading to larger scale projects if successful.
  6. Sign framework agreement: Actively manage the account relationship to establish long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with customers, leveraging Aexus’ familiarity with internal customer procedures.

SaaS companies aiming to expand their reach while staying lean, sales outsourcing offers a compelling solution. As the SaaS market becomes increasingly competitive, partnering with an experienced sales outsourcing agency could provide the edge needed to thrive in your industry.

We helped hundreds of tech companies, service providers and software vendors to expand their sales on the European, American and Asian markets. Explore our sales outsourcing case studies to learn how we assisted these partners in achieving their goals!

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Outsourcing sales can be a great move for SaaS companies

  • Choose an experienced partner: select a partner who understands your industry and target market.

We have extensive experience in various sectors, including tech, healthcare, finance, and more, ensuring we understand your unique needs.

  • Clear communication: ensure regular updates and reports to keep everyone on the same page.

We provide regular updates, detailed performance reports, and maintain open communication channels to keep you informed.

  • Set clear goals: define your goals and expectations from the start to measure success effectively.

We work with you to set clear, measurable goals and align our strategies to achieve them, ensuring transparency and accountability.

How do I ensure the outsourcing partner understands our unique product and market?

At Aexus, we begin with a comprehensive onboarding session to understand your unique product and market. We delve into your product features, target customers, and market landscape.

Regular check-ins and feedback sessions ensure we stay aligned with your vision and any updates. This approach helps us stay informed and engaged with your product’s unique aspects.

How do we maintain control over our brand and customer interactions when outsourcing sales?

Maintaining control over your brand is a priority at Aexus. We set clear guidelines and provide extensive training to our team on your brand values, messaging, and customer interaction standards. Using CRM tools, we monitor interactions to ensure consistency.

We regularly review performance and gather feedback to make sure our team represents your brand accurately and effectively. This ensures your brand image remains intact while leveraging our expertise.

What are the onboarding and training processes for the outsourced sales team to get up to speed with our product?

Onboarding and training are crucial steps at Aexus. We start with an in-depth training session covering your product’s features, benefits, and unique selling points. This includes hands-on demonstrations and real-life scenarios.

We provide access to necessary resources like sales materials, FAQs, and product demos. Continuous training and updates ensure our team remains knowledgeable and effective in selling your product.

How flexible is the outsourcing agreement in terms of scaling the sales team up or down based on our growth?

Aexus offers flexible outsourcing agreements to scale the sales team based on your business needs. We discuss and define these terms clearly with you. Our agreements include provisions for scaling up during peak times or entering new markets, and scaling down during slower periods.

This flexibility helps you adapt to market changes without the long-term commitment of an in-house team.

What are the costs involved in outsourcing sales compared to maintaining an in-house team, and what is the payment structure?

Outsourcing sales with Aexus is cost-effective compared to maintaining an in-house team. You save on salaries, benefits, training, and infrastructure costs. Our model typically involves a fixed fee plus a commission based on performance, meaning you mainly pay for results.

We discuss the payment structure upfront to ensure it aligns with your budget and business goals, providing expert sales support without the overhead costs.

FAQ about SaaS sales outsourcing

How long does it take to see results from SaaS sales outsourcing?
Typically, initial results can be seen within 3-6 months, with steady revenue growth expected after 6-8 months.

What industries can benefit from SaaS sales outsourcing?
Any industry using SaaS solutions, including tech, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, retail, and more.

How do I choose the right outsourcing partner?
Look for experience, industry knowledge, proven track record, and strong communication.