Colleague in the Spotlight: Andy Klich

While you can find our entire team on this website, we think those short biographies don’t do them justice. This month’s colleague in the spotlight: Andy Klich!

What did you do before you joined Aexus?
“My whole life has always revolved around finance. I studied Finance and Management, and after graduating worked at three large German banks: Commerzbank, Targobank and HypoVereinsbank. I gradually worked my way up the ladder, finally becoming a branch manager. I really liked that job.”

So why did you decide to look for something else?
“Like the great Freddy Mercury used to sing, I wanted to break free. A part of me, at least. Because I really loved doing the work, but it was the same every day. There may be different types of loans, but a loan still remains a loan. A savings account is always a savings account. The conversations I had with different clients were engaging, but in the end all more or less the same.”

And then Aexus came along.
“Yes! I knew Julia Weltmann, a former Aexus employee, from my Commerzbank days. When speaking with her one day, she told me about her new job at Aexus, calling it the best one she ever had. She described it to me, and it sounded really diverse. And I was aching for a chance to work in tech, especially B2B, as well. I like to stay up-to-date on new innovation, see how it changes the world.”

You are based in Berlin. What is working that far away from all your colleagues like?
“The first two months definitely were very strange. I was used to dressing up in a suit, getting in the car and driving to the branch office. But although I was at home, and most colleagues were far away – Prague is closer to Berlin than Arnhem, let alone Amsterdam or Eindhoven – it was easy to connect with people. But I like being my own manager: I have the freedom to decide what my day is going to look like and which things I will be tackling. Working from home also taught me that all the commuting I had to do before took away a lot of valuable, quality time.”

And what is being a German guy at a Dutch company like?
“An East German guy, even! I have moved fourteen times in my life, but am originally from a town near Wolfen, in what used to be the German Democratic Republic. You might know it from the old-school cassette tapes, a factory there took care of a large part of the European production. Still, the region was not very rich, which meant that people had to work hard to achieve things. And when they did, they really celebrated it. That is definitely something I took to heart: when you strive for something and you achieve it, you should always celebrate. I find the Aexus culture to be largely the same. And the Aexus employees are a really relaxed and lovely bunch. I was able to make many close friends. And, before the pandemic, I always made sure that, whenever I went to Arnhem, I shook everyone’s hands. Except for Chris Gerretsen – he always got a hug. Those personal moments matter – it allows me to get to know everyone a little better.”

Do you have any plans and hopes for the future?
“Certainly! Jobwise, I’d like to be responsible for a larger team in Germany. The German market is of major importance for Aexus, so I am looking forward to growing the team. Other than that, I like to keep making the best out of every day and keep my partners and myself satisfied. And on the personal side, I am also working towards two very important things: my girlfriend and I will have our wedding in October. And the other thing – which is less important, but only slightly – is the day that Borussia Dortmund will win the Bundesliga again. Hopefully next year!”